Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" - Matthew 19:14

Green Mountain United Methodist Church welcomes and loves their children!  We offer a variety of activities for the children to take part in; acolytes, ushers, communion servers, greeters, and liturgists.  We also encourage the children to take part in Sunday School each Sunday.  We offer nursery care for children from 8:45-11:45, so parents may take part in a variety of activities as well. GMUMC also encourages the children to take part in chimes and melody bells.


Your child is welcome in our home and we love to see them every Sunday!




Communion Servers


We are a progressive, open church.  We believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

To "love one another as I have loved you"- John 15:12

GMUMC uses the Methodist Sunday School Curriculum, Deep Blue. Click here for more information.


Come as you are

 The children are  welcome to come to the worship service at 10:30am.  We encourage the children to take part in the service, to whatever they feel comfortable. The children are welcome to sit with their families or we also have a learning corner in the back of the church where familes may sit so their children can color, or play quietly with the activities there. Then all children are welcome to the children's time. After that, the children are welome to attend Sunday School classes for the rest of the service or stay and take part in the service. After church, we offer bell practice with Ms. Janet for children in 2nd grade and up. 

Children's Events

The GMUMC children celebrate a variety of events and activities throughout the year. 

January - Epiphany


February - Valentines to Homebound Seniors

March/April - Palm Sunday


March/April - Easter

May - End of Sunday School 

Summer - Vacation Bible School

September - Kick Off Sunday

Fall - Heifer Project

For more information about the Heifer Project, or to donate, click here.

Winter - Christmas Vignettes

Sunday School Teachers

Meet our Sunday School Teachers :

At GMUMC, we take the safety of our children very seriously. Each of the volunteer Sunday School teachers have worked with children for many years but equally as important, we require each of the teachers to take a Safeguarding God's Children class, and we do a state background check. We encourage two adults in each room at all times. 

Ms. Kim

Children's Director

Ms. Janet

Children's Bell Director